Monday, January 2, 2012

Here we come a wassailing....

These past several weeks have been so good, since Rod and I got to go home for Christmas. We have seen so much family and have both enjoyed our fair share of the good food to be found. I'm ten weeks along now, and I can rest a little from the morning sickness. It doesn't bother me nearly so much anymore, for which both Rod and I are VERY grateful. Now I can be a happy pregnant woman.
       We went home for Christmas and were very happy to do so, but let me say that flying home when you're dealing with morning sickness is NOT a pleasant experience. I've always been someone who found turbulence on a flight amusing. It is not amusing anymore. Especially when we had one flight that had turbulence the whole way. Thankfully, despite the airline's best efforts, I can still say I have never thrown up from morning sickness. It's just very good at making me miserable.
       The awkward part is that I'm not showing yet, so I announce it, and everyone takes a second look at my belly, and there's nothing to see yet... It's kind of funny, kind of awkward to watch. Not that I was expecting to show yet, people just seem to have a hard time believing it if you're not taking up a whole aisle at the store because of your now enormous girth. On that vein, I've been planning on posting pictures here of the growth of my belly, so here's the first one, so you can compare it with the last one and fully appreciate the change. (I assume I will get much bigger than I usually am...) If you think you see a belly now, that's not Junior... that's mommy's holiday weight.Right now, I'm really looking forward to having a belly to show for all of that morning sickness....
    Speaking of growing bellies, I actually have expanded some around the middle, enough for me to start wearing pants with no waistbands because it's too painful. My mom took me out maternity clothes shopping over the Christmas break and we found lots of good stuff in thrift stores, especially salvation army. I'm now feeling much more equipped to grow... I just am feeling impatient to see a little growth. I suppose I'll see it soon enough, though, it's almost the second trimester!


  1. Rebekah! I saw the link to here on facebook, and I had to check it out. I love your blog! I'm glad you survived the plane flight, even though it doesn't sound like it was fun. I know you were worried about it! And I know what you mean about being frustrated not to show...I'm not showing either yet and it's driving me nuts!

  2. well if it makes you feel any better, you definitely have the pregnant woman glow. At least in that picture. :)

  3. I'm sure you'll be a great mom!

  4. Whoa, totally meant to post that mom comment on the post about your excitement/worries about becoming parents. Oh well!
