Monday, October 1, 2012

The sideways plugger-sucker

Jace has been making so many developments lately! Topping the list of accomplishments are his new sleeping abilities. He can now fall asleep on his own at night when we put  him in the crib. He's done it for 5 days in a row now. He sleeps for one six hour stretch at night followed by at least another two hours. He is falling into a napping routine where we take a nap every morning around 10:30, then again around 1:30, then another one in the late afternoon. Such an improvement! He is so much happier now, especially first thing in the morning, he is all smiles.

Which brings us to another accomplishment of his-SMILING! He is so cute and he is just full of them for mommy and daddy in the morning. Sometimes he gets distracted from eating because he's trying to smile while sucking... doesn't work so well!

He's also getting pretty good at soothing himself with sucking. He can find his fist and suck on it when he wants it, which is really cute. He sucks on his thumb sometimes too. He's also better at keeping the plugger in his mouth on his own, except he always sucks on it sideways!

One of his latest favorite hobbies is sticking out his tongue. It's hardly ever in his mouth anymore! Between smiling and sticking out his tongue, his mouth is hardly ever closed... but the cooing sounds he makes are so cute! It's less cooing and more like he's talking! I have heard him say the words hi, yeah and daddy... but he's so young, we can't count it as talking yet.

 He's pretty good at standing too...with a little help!


  1. Loved this post, so many of the things in it sound familiar! Isn't it wonderful to watch them grow? :)

  2. I like the smiling pictures. They crack me up. "Someone tied my hands to my sides but look at me, I'm still happy!" =P
