Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New Developments!

I think one of the best things about having a baby is watching how quickly they learn and grow. It's so exciting to see each development come. Yesterday, he discovered my keys. The jingling noise they made was fascinating, and he couldn't take his eyes off of them. (By which I discovered he can now track things in a circle.) So I got out the baby toys. He likes the rattles, he enjoys watching them as they make noise. His bouncer has a bar over it that toys hang off of, and when we put this on now, he stares at the yellow elephant rattle. He loves it!
He's also discovered his fists. He stares at his fingers and fists. Kinda funny, because it makes him go cross-eyed.
Jace is the biggest drooler I've ever seen. Supposedly he's not supposed to start that for another month, but he drools so much, sometimes I call him the rabid baby...
Rabid baby is not impressed
We've also heard his first laugh! It was so cute and exciting to hear. It's so fun to see his joy because it's so pure, his whole body wriggles with joy when he grins at us. I love to see it!
See the blurriness in his hands? He is wriggling with excitement
Who knew you had to brush a baby's hair? I brush his hair to clean the scalp, but he got his first rat's nest today! I think I'm gonna have to cut it off, because I can't brush it out and I don't want to pull his hair...

A couple of things I've learned from Jace:
1 a meal is not fully enjoyed unless it's all over your face when you're done.
2 Some things are  best enjoyed through your mouth. (he's still figuring out which ones)
3 It doesn't do good to sit in one spot for too long...

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