Saturday, December 15, 2012

Food and growth

So, Jace has met some new milestones recently. He is playing with toys now, which is a lot of fun to watch and a releif for me, since I don't have to be the main entertainer anymore, he can entertain himself for a little while. He usually can spend about an hour of playtime on the floor entertaining himself with toys and his other most recent development. He can roll both back to belly and belly to back. He rolls all over the floor now, and it's a lot of fun to watch.
   His other developments mostly center around food. He is pretty vocal now, but that mostly manifests itself in spitting. He makes great raspberries and does it all the time. Especially when eating. He'll be cranky cause he's hungry, so I'll feed him, and as he fills up, he'll pause in eating to look at me and smile, then blow me some raspberries, then he'll go back to eating. He'll do this three or four times before he finally finishes eating. It's really cute to watch, and it's hard to get annoyed at it because since it's so cute. Here's one of his vocal moments, when he wasn't eating:

 Also, after the four month checkup the doctor suggested we start giving him some solid foods. Not to start weaning him or for nutritional purposes, but if he looked like he was interested in what we were doing when we were eating, then let him try it to start practicing and learning how to eat. He still nurses for all of his nutritional needs. So last night we decided to start letting him try some food by pureeing a banana. Here is his first attempt at eating:

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