Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The glow of pregnancy...

    Oh, yeah. I haven't announced it yet.... Rod and I are PREGNANT!!! We're so excited. It's a new, exciting experience. A very...appetite building experience. I'm so hungry, all the time! I feel more connected with my husband now though, I completely agree, food is always on topic.
   So, you know how they say that pregnant women have a certain glow about them? That they look so happy and healthy? I'm discovering that this glow in it's infant stages looks a lot more like acne. That's why we're not starting with a current photo with this blog, though I'll add some as there's more to see with our pregnancy progression.
   We're pretty early right now, so there's not much development there to share. We estimate about 6 weeks, but the first doctor's appointment is next Thursday. I mostly figured it was just time to start a blog so that you all could stay connected with the updates in our new family life.

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