So, my little Jace is getting older, and he's less content to just play with the toys I throw in his way. He needs to explore and discover
everything! So, in an attempt to entertain him better while giving him chances to discover new things, I've been trying some of the activities suggested by pinterest. These ideas claim to be "great for littles" "even my youngest can enjoy this activity" and so forth. The truth of these statements is now being tested. My critera for activities is something I can make with materials around the house, contained mess, and most importantly, does it entertain the little one?
First attempt: bag of goo
This is usually labeled as "sensory activity." I feel like that's a buzz word for little children right now. If we go merely by sensory... I'm pretty sure food coloring in a bath doesn't count as sensory stimulation. But I digress. Basically, you stick a bunch of goo, like hair gel, in a bag and some small items (probably items that would otherwise be choking hazards) and seal it up, then let them play. Well, I used some old aloe vera gel we had hanging around the house and some sparkly letters left over from scrapbooking. Jace's reaction: squish, squish, here mommy, you have it. No interest whatsoever, no matter how cool looking I thought it was. Admittedly, I have noticed that my child lacks interest in anything he's supposed to touch and marvel at the difference in textures. He doesn't really care about textures.
I'd say pinterest fail, my child had no interest. But, it was a contained mess and I could make it with items around the house.
Second attempt: magnets
You can find lots of cutesy ideas for magnet boards on pinterest; I just used the good old fridge. And hey, it worked great! I think the flat magnets for advertising wouldn't work very well here, and I was too cheap to buy letter magnets, but we have a set of round cute magnets on our fridge, so I put them within his reach and let him have at it. He loved it!
He has enjoyed this activity so much, we repeat it often. Plus we can show him fun things like flipping magnets and attracting magnets from afar. Super simple but super entertaining!
Third attempt: "painting" with colored ice cubes
This is also fairly simple, but takes some advanced planning. You fill an ice cube tray with water and add some food coloring to each cube. The next day, I pulled them out and stuck Jace in the tub with several cubes. (I didn't use them all figuring I could save the activity for another day if he really liked it) Note: make sure you take clothes off before putting him in the tub. Also make sure the diaper is clean. You could probably leave the baby in the diaper to play with them. I figured Jace would like this one because he keeps stealing my ice packs I've been using lately for a bad sunburn on my back. He loves the ice packs, so I thought ice cubes would be pretty fun. Plus, colors! What's not to like? Well, apparently ice cubes are awfully cold. Jace did not like playing with cold ice cubes. As for painting, he wasn't interested so much in making colors on the bath tub. There may also have been some disappointment that he wasn't actually taking a bath.
This is what it ended up looking like. Mostly trying to eat the ice cubes, that and asking to come out. |
You know what happens when you combine random colors? They all become one gross color. |
This was an ok activity. Not particularly interesting to Jace, he mostly wanted to come out of the tub. He got very messy. If you do this, plan on giving your child a bath afterwards. His legs were still slightly stained green the next day.
Fourth Attempt: Pulling objects out of tissue box
I saw this for a couple of things, putting balls in box, and pulling strips of fabric out. Since I don't have either right now (we'll try strips of fabric when we get back to Utah), I just put some of Jace's toys in there. Plus a plugger, because he likes those. That's extra motivation to pull things out of the box. Super simple and he really likes it. We've entertained him with this one several times already. He'll pull out and put things in a few times throughout the day.
Fifth attempt: Moon Sand
This is one of those weird texture things, (sensory activity!) like gack, flubber, and so forth. It's pretty simple, eight parts flour to one part baby oil. I did 2 cups flour and 1/4 cup baby oil, because I don't have eight cups of flour to waste on a toy. It comes out really soft but moldable like wet sand. It also advertised being easy to clean up. Well... it was fairly easy to clean up, but it gets very messy first. Like sand, it gets everywhere easily. Washes off of skin, scoops off of smooth surfaces, but whatever clothes he was wearing are going straight in the laundry after this activity. He liked it, played with it much like a baby plays with regular sand, tries to eat it, destroys anything you make with it, and pulls it all out of the container. Bonus though, it makes your hands super soft after playing with it... It would probably be a better activity for an older child; in the end Jace was more interested in the scoop I gave him to use than the sand itself. It was good enough to be worth saving to play with on another day.

One other activity we've been doing with Jace lately is bubble blowing. He loves that too. It's not on pinterest, so I didn't label it as an attempt, it's just an old classic. The activites he likes more have to be put away so that they don't get boring, he's already getting kinda tired with the tissue box, so I think I'll put that away and pull it out again in a while. There you go, there's one mommy's review. Any suggestions from other mommies who have tried activities like these for entertaining their one-year-old?